Most of the large cities in Canada are located close to the US border. For example, there are Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver.
Most of Canada's population lives along the southern border because of the climate. Although Canada is very large geographically, a lot of the area is, not necessarily uninhabitable, but has much more extreme weather conditions (colder) and is more expensive to live in.
The earlier settlers settled closer to the south because of the water channels, especially the St. Lawrence river which flows out to the Atlantic. Early settlers travelled by boat, which transports only in bodies of water.
C. diversified
When money is divided among different kinds of investment it is diversified
See explanation
Molar mass of N2H4CO = 60 g/mol
Given that the relative atomic mass mass of each element is known, We discover that;
Percentage by mass of nitrogen = 28/60 * 100 = 46 .7%
percentage by mass of hydrogen = 4/60 * 100 = 6 67%
Percentage by mass of carbon = 12/60 * 100 = 20%
Percentage by mass of oxygen = 16/60 * 26.67%
The parenting style most encouraged in modern America is Permissive. This parenting style requires that parents should be loving, giving children the freedom to make their own choice as much as possible. Permissive parents have few rules and do not stand over children like an authority figure. Authoritative is the opposite of permissive and here parents make rules and children have little say in making choices about themselves.
They all live near a large body of water, the Gulf of Mexico.