Answer: <u>Assembling perpective</u> is a system for understanding collective behavior that credited individuals in crowds as rational beings. This theory refocuses attention from collective behavior to collective action, which is based on a shared interest.
Assembling perspective is briefly explained above.
Answer: Online retailing
Explanation: Online retailing or what is called electronic tailing (e-tailing) is nothing but online sales where someone can sell services and goods, intellectual property, etc. It is a matter of retailing like when you go to a store and buy something for your needs, only this is done electronically here, i.e. through online shopping. Online retailing can take place between a seller and a buyer, or also between two sellers or two businesses, known as B2B.
At the level of 0.05% significance we can not reject the psychologist's claim. His claim is supported.
When a researcher undertakes a project to do research firstly he takes some random samples. Sample is definite a small group of numbers assume to represent the whole population. Suppose a researcher wants to do research on married couples to find the trend of divorce among them. For that reason he will randomly choose some of the couples and will draw conclusions that inter personal communication reduce the chances of divorce.
Now to establish this experiment as a fact he needs to go through a test of level of significance. Where he will get the result that his statement is established or rejected.
Cognitive Psychology
Cognitive psychology is the process through which a person studies the mind and information process. Cognitive psychologist built an information processing model that describes the processing in mind. Human information processing was compared by computer approach. It was based on storing information, transforming information, and retrieval information. This model includes memory, attention, etc. The use of the computer as a tool for thinking how the mind works and processed and handled the information called computer analogy. The idea about information processing was adopted by the cognitive psychologist as a model, how human thoughts work.
It's b
Explanation: She is in her early 40s and taking care of the upbringing of her young children and assisting her aging parents