Monsoons waters and grows agriculture, feeds livestock, and cools hot summers. However, more water means more bugs, especially disease carrying mosquitoes. Paved and unpaved roads are ruined by floods, and discourages foreign hikers.
In simple words, While defending perpetrators of international rights abuses is a popular thread that runs across almost all contemporary governments, who they endorse and just how much they endorse changes dramatically based on the democratic environment. For example, if a US adversary was abusing human rights, we would undoubtedly be outspoken in our assistance, but if a US ally was doing so, we would likely only turn a blind eye.
Well, they should act kindly towards each other, shake hands, say "How do you do?", be cordial.
The personal fable is the adolescent's belief that he or she is highly special and unlike anyone else who has ever walked the earth. Colloquially, these individuals are known as "special snowflakes." In other words, the adolescent thinks that since others are so obviously fascinated by him (adolescent egocentrism), he must be a unique individual.
Unfortunately, the belief can have serious consequences.
In particular, the personal fable can cause a tween or teen to believe that nothing bad could possibly happen to someone as exceptional as herself. In other words, since she's so special, she must be invulnerable.
Some research has shown that belief in the personal fable and one's invulnerability is directly connected to common adolescent risk-taking behaviors, such as promiscuous or unprotected sex, use of alcohol or illicit drugs, as well as physically dangerous acts, such as driving without a license or driving recklessly or while intoxicated.
Belief in the personal fable should not be confused with having high self-esteem. Tweens or teens with low self-esteem usually still hold a version of the personal fable.
Answer: Causal relationship
The causal relationship is the process of measuring the correlation between two different types of variable or any event. The quantitative or the qualitative are the methods that helps in collecting the various types of data for establishing the causal relationship between the different types of social components.
According to the given question, the causal relationship helps in creating the various types of relationship that cause some changes in the dependent variable.
Therefore, Causal relationship is the correct answer.