Part A : Binge-watching may improve relationships.
Part B: It is effective because the author provides several examples of how binge-watching increases social connections, and refers to outside sources.
You welcome.
B. An important victory for the abolition movement.
I majored in History
Amistad mutiny (1839) slave rebellion that took place on the slave ship Amistad near the coast of Cuba and had important political and legal repercussions in the American abolition movement.
virtual high fives
everyone sometimes needs a high five from a hard day of work
First Person, (I'm pretty sure if the author/writer used I for the Narrator)
if not and the author uses third person (He, She, ) but can still "see" the others throughts for all the others ( omniscient) if the narrator can only see the thoughts of 1 or 2 characters (limited)