Well, rhetoric means to call to action, so if you do this in a business world them it can make you seem more domaniant and in charge.
"And, for my sake, stay here with Antony: Do grace to Caesar's corpse, and grace his speech."
Alien means something is completely foreign to you. You don't necessarily know anything about it while familiar means it's something you know well. I am familiar with the Hunger Games series because I've read it. However, I have never read Don't Cry so its alien to me. They are complete opposite words, they're antonyms.
It would be a subordinate cause, for it can't stand on its own. Think about it: Since early this morning. What happened since early morning? Since it doesn't provide that information, it wouldn't be able to be an independent cause.
Also, I don't believe that the sentence is grammatically correct :)