Depression is a serious problem. The reason why depression is so hard on your life because well, I don't know how serious your depression is or what you are thinking but we all go through a period of depression. That's just life. But you WILL get out of this state of depression. Just focus on the positive. Look for a light in your darkness. I believe, your parents believe, and everyone on Brainly believes that you will get out of this depression. I remember when I had depression. It hit me hard but I got through it. Have you ThoughT about telling someone. Try telling your parents or a friend you really trust. The important part is that you aren't alone. We are ALL here for you.
I honestly have the same question. I feel like it’s so unfair. I get depressed because of the way I’m being raised. Majority of my family is religious. When I was living with my great grandma and grandma they made it hard for me. They never let me play with the other kids because they weren’t being raised like me. I also could only go to school and church. People thought I was stuck because I didn’t really talk to them. In reality, I’m such a kind and loving person. It was just I didn’t want any problems with my grandma and great grandma. Now that I’m older, I’ve gotten my own ideas and started not letting my family control me. They don’t like it but I’m depressed because of them. I was looking forward to finally being able to live a little because I’ll be 18 this year. Sadly, this virus is here and I’m stuck. It’s depressing. It’s also hard for me to expressing that to family because they’ll say, “You need Jesus.” “Go read your Bible.” Don’t get me wrong, I do believe in God and everything, but at times like these I need earthly support from them. I just want you to know you’re not alone. Hang in there. It’s worth living another day. Take it day by day and try to find your comfort space. I’m taking about spiritually and physically. I stay in my room majority of the day and play music a lot. It helps me feel better.