The correlation between sea surface temperature and water vapor is that both are driven by seasonal changes. They both increase in the hemisphere during summer. Seasonal changes in water vapor are, however, more evident across the land, largely due to changes in land surface temperature.
Well you already know the answer is false but I want to elaborate on this for other people who have the same / similar question.
The main source of meat, milk and eggs in most, if not all, countries are Factory-Farms, which are highly abusive, cruel industries that provide meat to around 99% of business I assume haha. A lot of businesses that claim to use "humane" practices of getting meat, dairy and eggs are not true, there is really no human way to get meat or dairy (you can humanely get eggs though factory farms don't) you can read more about this stuff on SentientMedia (graphic content warning)
Farms around the world though use different ways of harvesting (by hand, by machine etc.) planting, different kinds of crops, different ways of waters, what kind of land they plant their crops in.
Hope this helps
have a nice day((: