Friction decreased when he went from pavement to ice and then increased two more times.
Cells need to intake things like nutrients, water, and oxygen, and they need to be able to export things like metabolic products and waste materials. No matter which direction the material is moving in, it needs to cross the cell membrane at some point.
The cell membrane is one phospholipid bilayer, and the nuclear membrane is two phospholipid bilayers. Cell and nuclear membranes are different.The cell film encases the whole cell while the atomic layer encases the core. ... WHEREAS, Cell membrane covers the whole outer with abi-layer of the cell.
The nervous system contributes to the success of birds as flying animals because of all of these following things:
1. the well-developed integrative center of the brain that controls eating, singing, and flying
2. the well-developed center used to coordinate movement and balance
3. the well-developed optic lobes
Thanks to these things, birds are quite successful at flying because of their developed nervous system.
The answer to your question is D