Dowry is in the form of money, goods, things that a bride brings with her in there in-laws home. The dowry is given by bride parents to the groom's parents. This is a compensatory form for [protecting the girl from ill-mannered behavior by their in-laws. It is a type of compulsory so whenever the bride gets divorced she can run her life safety. Some times dowry help the groom to start their life from the new beginning. But sometimes this is reciprocal custom and tradition. It is the give take procedure between two families. It is also called a Kanya daan in India that is given by a father to her daughter concerning a gift.
Most Native American groups could not form large Empires
like the Aztec and the Inca did because they were spread out in large regions
or territories. This did not allow them to form closed groups and create a
large Empire. Also the native groups were of the opinion that the lands could
support only a few people and so they never tries to attach with other native
groups to create a large enough Empire. Most people lived their life on
irrigation and so they did not want more competition from other tribes
regarding the land they had.
The appropriate response is James-Lange theory. It feeling comes about because of physiological states activated by boosts in the earth. Basically, the hypothesis suggests that after the underlying impression of a boost, the experience of the feeling comes about because of the view of one's own physiological changes.
Both of her parents have a cleft chin but she doesn't
<u>Alleles </u>
C - NOT a cleft chin (dominant gene)
c - a cleft Chin (recessive gene)
<u>Possibilities of Genotype</u>
CC - NOT a Cleft chin
Cc - NOT a Cleft chin (since C is dominant )
cc - a Cleft chin
Now, we both know that her parents have Cleft chin, which means that both of them could only have cc as their genotype.
This mean, if they have children ,both the father and the mother could only give c alleles. This make the possibilities of their child having a cleft chin become 100%.
If the girl does not have a cleft chin, we can say that she is 100% not the biological child of the parents.