Espero que esto ayude ♥:
El comportamiento simbólico es "la capacidad de una persona para responder o utilizar un sistema de símbolos significativos" (Faules y Alexander, 1978, p. 5). Los individuos utilizan mensajes simbólicos para comprender su entorno y crear una realidad social (Faules y Alexander, 1978; Mills, 2002). Cuando se enfrentan a la incertidumbre, los individuos se organizan continuamente dentro de su realidad basada en el grupo y responden dentro de esa realidad (Weick, 1995).
The U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Brown v. Board of Education marked a turning point in the history of race relations in the United States. On May 17, 1954, the Court stripped away constitutional sanctions for segregation by race, and made equal opportunity in education the law of the land.
1. <span>It let people ride to work so they could live further away from their jobs.
2. </span>Disease, fire, and crime.
3. It's a tricky question but this refers to majority, so the answer is "<span>They came through Ellis Island on the East Coast."
4. This is also a tricky one, but the answer is "</span>It established the idea of "Separate", but equal."
- Always handle your conflict like adults in front of your children.-
- Do not force them to make your dream into reality.
<u>- Always handle your conflict like adults in front of your children.-</u>
Children learn through observation. They see every single behaviors that they parents do and adopt it into their onw.
If the parents constantly being hostile to one another when they're engaged in a conflict, the children will pick up this behavior and become more likely to do the same thing with they're grown ups
<u>- Do not force them to make your dream into reality.</u>
one common mistake that parents often do is believing that their children is the extension of themselves. they wanted the children to achieve the things that they wanted to achieve in the past but fail to do so. As a parents you need to let your children pursue their own interest and give support for them.
You are basically forcing people to fight for your cause. Your telling someone to fight for you not what they want.