B: volcanic activity
D: fossil fuel consumption
Fossil fuel consumption and volcanic activity are the two factors that has a great influenced on the global temperatures. Fossil fuel consumption is a human activity and volcanic activity both releases carbondioxide gas while burning. This carbondioxide gas is a greenhouse gas which block the reflected solar radiation and leads to increase in the surface temperature of the earth.
Dr. Charles is using fMRI when she uses strong magnets to track changes in the brain's blood-oxygen levels.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging or (fMRI) is a techique used to measure brain activity by detecting changes associated with blood flow. When an area of the brain is in use, blood flow to that region will increase.
✨Chemicals in the air create too much oxygen.✨
✨ plant-like algae bloom in polluted waters and create oxygen-depleted dead zones.✨
✨Water pollution that alters a plant’s surrounding pH level, such as acid rain, can harm or kill the plant. Acid rain forms because of atmospheric sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide, which are emitted from natural and human-made sources. These include volcanic activity and burning fossil fuels.✨