Yh it's true I'm from there and Yh it did contribute to the growth in trade
Yh.... what I said ❤♥️♥️❤✌
First, it really depends on where you're volunteering and what type of volunteering you're doing.
If you're volunteering with the Peace Corps, for example, and are sent out of the country, language and communication could be a challenge.
If you're volunteering with Habitat for Humanity, younger people could face challenges working with others that are more skilled because they may not be patient in teaching those that are younger.
In some volunteer situations, volunteers, especially younger ones, could be treated more like employees and doing things that an assistant would do, like fetching coffee.
Some volunteer organizations also have age restrictions.
Youth volunteers may also experience burnout if it's not what they expected from the volunteering experience.
Youth may also find their volunteering activity boring. Volunteering is hard work, and can be a shock when they are told they can't be on their phone, or they can't just stand around and talk to their friends.
Volunteering is incredibly rewarding. You have to go in with the mind set that you are there for others, not yourself. Use it as a learning experience and have fun!
By boycotting salt in India as a protest to raising prices enforced by the British, Ghandi instructed his leaders to not only refuse to buy English salt but also coerced them into making their own salt. By holding a "salt march," to gather salt from the sea, Ghandi gained a lot of press and brought awareness to the maltreatment of Indians under British rule. He also hurt the British economy by cutting ties with their Indian salt market.
Hope this helps!