relating to human society at a very early stage of development, with people living in a simple way without machines or a writing system: ... Early settlers had to cope with very primitive living conditions.
I think Civil Wars.
There are many wars in Africa because of poorness and ungrateful and weak government systen
an area within the visual field wherein the cell will fire if the target appears.
In order to accomplish this, the researcher will need to specify an area within the visual field wherein the cell will fire if the target appears. This is because there are about 100 billion neurons in the human brain and each of them fires at a speed of about 200 times per second, thus making it impossible to define the receptive field of a particular neuron without highlighting a specific area of that neuron and visualizing that specific neuron.
The oncoming space race and the debate/research of going and exploring to find better improvements to Homo Sapian's lifespan.