can you add the scenarios please?
A healthcare provider should develop a good communication with his or her parents.
A healthcare provider is described as a doctor of medicine , dentist, nurse , clinical psychologist who provide treatment to his or her patient so that they get relief from the pain or the disease they are suffering from. A healthcare provider performs various roles that is they improve the health, eradicate diseases, provide healthcare services.
The healthcare system can be divided into four parts they are promoting health, preventing the disease, diagnosing and then providing treatment after that proper rehabilitation.
Medicine field is vast. While listening to M.D. Natterson - Horowitz, came in conclusion that humans and animals are very similar, since some <u>treatments or medications are first tested on animals</u>. Also, she mentions that veterinarian knowledge can help to treat some health disorders on humans and vice-versa. As a cardiologist, she has helped several animals with different heart diseases or to evaluate them giving appropriate diagnosis.
Natterson - Horowitz in a speech states an interesting fact and I quote: <em>“... and when we go to medical school, we learn everything there is to know about one species, Homo Sapiens, but veterinarians need to learn about health and disease in mammals, amphibians, reptiles, fish and birds”</em>. This means veterinarians have a wider knowledge than physicians, being able to treat many different health problems with different approaches. Because of this, she has a strong interest in “closing the gap” existing between these two medicine fields, and she is doing this through programs like Darwin on Rounds and Zoobiquity Conferences.
Besides these programs, there are other ways to join together these two fields, they could <u>collaborate by exchanging information and experiences</u> of specific health issues, comparing treatments or methods, also hospital’s <u>interns and residents could work for a period of time in a zoo, and veterinarians could assist in hospitals too</u>, like an <u>student's exchange</u>.
Answer:I think it would be B.