An Arms-Build up would lead to peace due quite frankly, to fear. It would lead to peace, just like for example, North Korea. No one is allowed to have weaponry, meaning fear. No one attempts to revolt, due to fear. Having a militia, would enforce fear, causing no revolts, or riots, or anything of the sort.
In contrast, a confederation is a group of sovereign states united by common interests. A confederation is headed by a central governing body elected by the member states. In a federation, authority and power is lawfully divided between the federal government and its member states by its constitution
Answer: B
Explanation: The correct answer is letter B, permissive parents. They are probably allowing Cheri to do whatever she wants and when someone tells her "no" she will throw temper tantrums that finally gets her what she wanted.
Us as humans always use tools that were effective for us at a certain point in a certain situation, so if throwing temper tantrums resulted for this girl she will be most likely to do it in other contexts. The problem is that this behavior will get her into trouble with other people and their parents should learn how to put limits in order to teach her to recognize authority and mature.