If you read ever your vocabulary will advance even more.
"Odysseus demonstrates heroic, god-like qualities throughout The Odyssey. In one instance, he cleverly tricks and blinds the Cyclops Polyphemus, saving his crew from certain death. Odysseus also bravely travels to Hades to learn his fate. Upon reaching Ithaca, Odysseus takes on all of Penelope’s suitors, defeating them to reclaim his rightful place." Just put this in your own words so you don't get in trouble for plagiarism
I can give u some tips when your setting up an activity you want to make sure your organized, have safety materials so nobody gets hurt, have instructions ready as well. All these will help set up a successful activity
To get across the point that he is a lesser than those he speaks to.
Words and their context clues:
precocious → skilled at the age of three
flabbergasted → blown away
dexterity → the ease with which she uses her hands
gloated → took pride in her paintings
agape → mouth wide open
Definition of the words:
precocious → to develop at an early age
flabbergasted → greatly surprised
dexterity → skillfulness in using the hands
gloated → to relish or dwell pleasantly on one's success or misfortunes.
agape → very wide open
From the above, I have been able to write out the context clues that helpus to understand the underlined words.
These context clues can be seen in the passage if carefully studied.
Also, I went ahead to give their meanings/definitions.