Whose shoes are these in the middle of the kitchen floor? would be the correct way to state this question.
The answer to the question is d
In both a powerful discourse and an influential paper you are trying to convince your gathering of people to agree with your disagreement. One difference would clearly be that in one your are writing and in the other you are talking which implies you may have an alternate gathering of people between the two. Another disagreement would be that when writing a paper you can incorporate more weakness and describe while the conversation includes more visual models.
Hope you understand
The Adams ale was poisoned.everybody knew except her , Emily. It was a common ritual in order to get into the crimson skulls club where she had to make a decision. Was master lying or telling the truth about the ale . It was clear to everyone when he slyly spoke “the water is not poisoned”. I’m that moment she was dauntless but crumbling on the inside die being the cynosure.she was being judged and she knew it .everybody knew she was callow when she said “your lying “ .the rest is history