A ribbon is somehing ou earn
"It" used in a number of different forms of sentences and has several rules. 'It' can be used in a sentence either for a Subject or an Object. It can be used as an introductory word in a sentence when there is no mention of the subject. It used for the singular, third-person pronoun. While it has many uses and according to the question, it is used to refer to a lifeless object (home).
An LS button
It appears on the (structure line 3)on the structure line, place your cursor in the <u>whi</u><u>te</u> field to the right of the E button (Recall that the E button represent the entry test).
Piracy refers to copying or duplicating contents and then selling it to market at lower prices without the owners knowledge or permission. Let's assume I designed a software for company "A" at the price of $2500, but someone inside from the company created a copy of that software and sold it in market at price of $200 without my knowledge or permission. This is what we call piracy.