b. cis test
A test that is used to determine if the mutation associated with a given phenotype is due to mutations in two different genes or due to different alleles of the same gene is called a complementation test.
A complementation test is also called as a cis-trans test.
If the mutations in a complementation test are located on the same position then the genes are termed as being on the cis position otherwise on the trans-position.
A cis test, that is if the genes are located on the same position serves as a control for the complementation test.
A diet high in protein and low in calcium may lead to osteoporosis. This is because protein, especially albumin, binds free calcium in the blood preventing it to be act upon calcitonin and preventing it to deposit in the bones. Low calcium predisposes patients in osteoporosis as there will be no calcium to be deposited in the bones.
Sunlight is needed for photosynthesis because the solar energy is what is converted to chemical energy by the plant's chloroplasts. This energy is necessary for the production of glucose, which provides usable energy for the plant. the energy convertion turns solar energy into chemical energy
“Hard limits” to population growth are things like food, water, energy, technology, living space, other basic needs and economic factors which limit people’s ability to access these things.
“Soft limits” to population growth are things like education, birth control, the desire for a better life individually and a better global future for humanity, religious celibacy or chastity or abstinence, female empowerment and economic participation, the suffering already caused by overpopulation and the desire to avoid further suffering, malnutrition or non-lethal starvation which reduces sexual libido, pollution and other man made causes of involuntary sterility or low sperm count or low fertility, desire to save the environment, aversion to pain and suffering when understood that population growth causes both.
Countries with better quality of life and access to food and basic needs often have lower birth rates and lower population growth. This shows that soft limits can actually be more effective than hard limits to stop population growth. You have plenty of countries in Africa running into hard limits and having some of the highest fertility and population growth rates at the same time. They also suffer massive problems like war, poverty, disease and low standard of living. This goes to show that running into the hard limits will pretty much let things get as bad as they can get before it stops population growth. The hard limits won’t stop all the suffering caused by overpopulation but will make enough people suffer TO DEATH that the population doesn’t grow. People fear pain, thus the soft limits are more effective when they understand that population growth was responsible for pain or suffering and avoid it.