the answer to this question is <u>A</u>.
please find the solution, which is defined as below:
The Watersons' song "Farm Life" depicts an idealized version of rural life. The terms "Hurrah for a country boy's life" reveal the personal opinion of the artist for country life. At various times of each year, its song depicts rural events. Its lyrics indicate that all assignments are pleasant and render the participants happy. Its definition is supported by phrases such as "athletics and play" including "ranting in the newly mowed hay."
Answer: this is off the top of my head but I believe so.
Back then, women would still have to work until they were literally giving birth, I believe. You would not expect that with how women act, now, and how much they complain about being pregnant but women can work while pregnant. during medieval times, the men were often off fighting or hunting so women, even while pregnant, had to take care of children, tend to plants, sew, and all sorts of things.
I recommend doing some extra research but I believe this is right.
The answer to your question is True.
In fact, has<u> sixteen tv channels</u> and they reach <u>140 countries</u>. The Walt Disney Company was created with its animated characters and grew into other business with the purpose of bringing happiness to people.
In 1923, Walter and Roy Disney founded the <u>Disney Brothers studio</u> which became <u>The Walt Disney Company</u>. Nowadays, most of the tv productions are transmitted in <u>Disney Channel, Disney Junior, Disney XD and ABC</u>.
The 13th Amendment banned slavery and all involuntary servitude, except in the case of punishment for a crime. ... The 15th Amendment prohibited governments from denying U.S. citizens the right to vote based on race, color, or past servitude.