With education, the common man would be able to select leaders wisely and fight back against the tyrannical instincts of those in power.
He would be able to understand, maintain, and protect his rights, so that government could not usurp authority and devolve into despotism.
As a candidate, Carter himself had said he advocated "pardon" (a term he preferred to amnesty). He said, "I do advocate a pardon for draft evaders. ... Now is the time to heal our country after
the Vietnam war. ... I hope to bring about an end to the divisiveness that has occurred
in our country as a result of the Vietnam war."
On his second day in office, President Carter in fact did pardon draft dodgers. This applied only to civilians who evaded the draft. It did not apply to active duty military personnel who went absent without leave (AWOL) or deserted their units during the war.
The Urban Areas were used to house these Immigrants and they grew larger.
South Carolina was placed under military control because Abraham Lincoln believed that reconstruction of the South, after the Civil War was done, needed to be merciful to heal the country. The Reconstruction Act of 1867 placed Southern countries under military rule.
The chief treasurer was responsible for the government's wealth and collecting taxes. In ancient Egypt, however, they paid in goods, not in money, such as cloth, grain, animals, and silver.