Natural selection
-Natural selection is one of the basic mechanisms of evolution, along with mutation, migration, and genetic drift.Genetic diversity allows the different organisms to have different physiological characteristics. Some of them provides them with genetic resistance, others don’t. The ones which are resistant survive the pesticide, others don’t ; this is known as natural selection.
-Those that are resistant will live longer and have a larger number of offspring (reproductive success). From one generation to another, there will be more and more resistant pests (because of their larger offspring), and less and less pests that are not resistant (because they tend to die young). If the selection process goes on, someday the pesticide will be useless (it will kill no pest).
You should draw these simple Punnett Squares as it's easy to see the answers:
1. Crossing RR x Rr results in all (100%) red cow offspring. 50% will be RR (homozygous dominant), 50% will be Rr (heterozygous).
2. Crossing Rr x Rr results in 3 red offspring (75%) and 1 white (25%). Genotypes though will be 25% RR, 50% Rr, and 25% rr.
3. Crossing rr x rr will result in 100% white offspring. All offspring will be rr.
I think it's that : <span>Thomas Hunt Morgan continued the genetic research of Gregor Mendel, but Morgan used fruit flies.
Hope this helps !
c. The harmless bacteria had been transformed.
Fredrick Griffith carried out the first experiment that showed bacteria can get DNA by transformation in 1928.
He used two different strains of the bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae a)type-III-S or smooth strain-Covered by a protective polysaccharide capsule hence lethal
b) type II-R or rough strain-Lacked the polysaccharide hence non-lethal
In his experiment he observed heat killed Type-III-S strain was not able to kill the mice. However, when its remains was added with rough strain then the blend was able to kill the mice.
When he collected blood from the dead mice it had live strains of both smooth and rough type.
He came to a conclusion that non-lethal type II-R strain was transformed into lethal type II-S strain by a "transforming principle" that was supposed to be the part of dead III-S strain bacteria.
Angiosperms are vascular plants bearing the seeds in fruits or mature ovaries whilst gymnosperms are other types of the plant which bears the seeds directly on the sporophylls but without any cover.
Examples of gymnosperms include cypress,pine, redwood, spruce and ginkgo.
Examples of angiosperms include apple, banana,peach, cherry and orange.
Also, angiosperms are seeds producing flowering plants whose seeds are enclosed within an ovary.
Gymnosperms are also seeds producing non flowering plants whose seeds are unenclosed.
Hope it helps.
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