Congress votes down a law providing a loan to a failing car manufacturer is the correct answer.
Referral Marketing
Referral marketing is the method of promoting products or services to new customers through referrals, usually word of mouth. Such referrals often happen spontaneously but businesses can influence this through appropriate strategies
Earth is the largest of the inner planets and was created like all the remaining planets in the Solar System, approximately 4.6 billion years ago. The early Earth was formed by the collision and fusion of smaller rock fragments, the so-called planetesimals
Scientists estimate that the Earth began to form about 4.6 billion years ago. Protoplanets had to experience various collisions, so that the Earth as a planet originated from the collision of several protoplanets. Each collision released a large amount of energy, and the larger protoplanets contracted under their own gravitational influence. A last collision caused the creation of a celestial body the approximate size of the present Earth, that has received the name of proto-Earth. The early Earth was a hot volcanic body. The metal reached the melting point and the denser material sank and formed the core, while the lighter materials rose and became the mantle and crust. This is how the layers of the Earth were formed. Little by little the planet lowered its temperature, many of the impact craters were covered with water, photosynthetic organisms appeared and an atmosphere was formed, all of which would give the conditions that make the planet the place of life.
Option a
A conditions are needs that are to be meant in order to complete an action.
Assignment of Claims Act: This claim to a company to give money due or to become due under a contract, but only if certain conditions are met. It gives contractor the right to assign claims to payment on a Government contract so as to be able to finance the contract endeavor.
An assignment of claims can be given if all the following conditions are met:
a. Each payment should be assignment will be for $1,000 or more for this assignment claim
b. The assignment is made to a bank, trust company, or other financing institution, lending agency.
<h2>Primarily, because they were forced to pay reprations.</h2>