Non-Discretionary Expenses means payments made to third parties on account of: (a) mandatory payments of monthly debt service (but not payment of principal or interest at or after maturity) required under Loan Documents evidencing debt of the Venture or any Subsidiaries; (b) Emergency Expenses; (c) other non-
<span>A court ruling against the wrongful dismissal of employees is a development in the political or legal component of the general. Wrongful dismissal or termination of contract of employment without proper process violates the law of contracts. When this happens, the court takes the employee's rights into consideration in filing damages.</span>
A. control a resource that is essential in the production process.
When the crucial resource is required to make a product, then the restrictions on such resource would not allow, many people to enter in such business.
Also that the resources will be restricted in some or other manner, its price will increase accordingly the cost of producing such article would also increase.
As the cost of production will increase only producers with a high budget and resources in terms of finance will chose it.