The answer is the inflation from 2005 to 2006 has changed by [3.6%]
There are many types of malware disguise themselves as a free anti- virus program. I hope this helps! -eagle
The formula for GDP is
GDP = C + I + G + NX
C = consumption
I = Investment by business and household purchases by individuals
G = Government Expenditures
NX = foreign trade.
The first thing you can do is knock out foreign trade.
I think you can dispense with Government expenditures as well all though a school is an arm of government.
I think investment is what you have to look at carefully because it does include charitable organizations. We'll come back to this.
Consumption is what it sounds like it sounds.
You can't answer this in any other way than to know how the company writes it off. It is an asset that goes from some value to 0. It no longer exists on their books. So it decreases their assets. It is balanced on their books by calling it an expense I think and that further has impact on their books.
So they are decreasing their value (albeit by a small amount -- they've already bought new computers).
I'm not sure about this, but I think what has happened is that the GDP is going to go down. Their investment has decreased by being written off.
The statement is: True.
Motivation is what drives individuals or organizations to achieve their objectives. Leaders must find ways to keep their subordinates constantly incentivized so their productivity level remains at their highest level possible. In some other cases, reaching personal goals is what drives people. In such scenarios <em>pride, self-interest, </em>and <em>success</em> boost individuals' morale pushing them to their limits.
D ; increase growth
The discount rate is one of the tools that the Federal Reserve uses to direct monetary policy. Banks are subject to minimum reserves requirements. If a bank falls below this minimum, it can borrow from the banks with a surplus, or borrow from the federal reserve. If it borrows from the Fed, the interest rate that applies is the discount rate. The discount rate is always higher than the fed fund rate; hence, banks use it as a last resort.
The discount rate and the fed rate have similar effects on the economy. The Fed uses the discount rate to regulate the money supply in the country. When the growth in slow, the fed will reduce the discount rate. A low discount rate means the cost of borrowing money goes down. The impact is that individuals and businesses will afford to borrow money for consumption and investment.
Increased levels of investments and consumption will mean a higher GDP, which is growth.