Examples of biting and chewing pests are snails, slugs, caterpillar, Helicoverpa, diamond black moth, beetles , termites, leaf worms, grass hoppers etc.
Examples of piercing insects are lace bugs, aphids, white flies, glassy winged sharp shooter, false chinch bugs, Bargrada bug, mealy bug, Eugenia psyllid, Pittosporum psyllid, Tipu psyllid etc.
Pests that affect crops have different feeding habits. Some pests belong to the type biting and chewing pests. These pests bite into the plant parts and chew them. This will leave circular holes in the leaves and semicircular holes in the leaf edges.
Piercing and sucking insects pierce into the plant parts and suck the sap. Removal of sap turns the plants yellow, and wilted. The growth might get stunted and in severe cases the plant may die off.
"Bingeing but not purging" is associated with binge-eating disorder.
Binge eating disorder (BED) is a severe, life-threatening, and curable ingestion illness categorized by recurring incidents of intake big amounts of nutrition (often very quickly and to the point of discomfort); a sensation of a loss of control throughout the binge; feeling disgrace, suffering or guilt later; and not frequently using unhealthy compensatory trials (e.g., purging) to pledge the binge eating. It is the most common eating disorder in the United States.