Answer:Yes it should be reported.
$2.8 million should be reported in the the balance sheet as a liability.
Explanation: Contingent liabilities are liabilities that depend on the outcome of an event that may likely not occur.
Before they can be reported in financial statement, it must be able to estimate the value of such contingent liability and the liability must have a higher than 50% possiblity of being achieved.
If the value can be estimated, then the liability has a higher chance of being realised.
Qualifying contingent liabilities such as the $2.8 million estimated by Top Sound International should be recorded in the income statement as an expense and a liability on the balance sheet.
Therefore the $2.8 million liability should be reported in its 2018 balance sheet
The answer is Salutation.
- <u><em>A salutation is the greeting at the beginning of a cover letter that is included with a resume when applying for a job</em></u>
you can get more of one good only by giving up some of another good
A production possibilities frontier shows the opportunity cost of producing one good instead of another. This way, as you follow the curve, the combination of goods will vary, increasing the production of one good but deceasing the production of the other.
Opportunity costs are the benefits lost or extra costs associated to choosing one activity or investment over another alternative. Since resources are scarce, you must always give something up in order to obtain another thing, e.g. you give up your leisure time in order to study.
Laffer curve.
Laffer Curve is developed by
Arthur Laffer. It is used to show the relationship between tax rates and the amount of tax revenue collected by governments of a particular country. Laffer curve is used to demonstrate Laffer’s argument that sometimes cutting tax rates can increase total tax revenue.
Laffer curve shows the relationship that occurs between the tax rate and the amount of tax revenue collected
The relationship between the tax rate and the amount of tax revenue collected is called the LAFFER CURVE curve. This curve shows that TAX CUT CAN INCREASE TAX REVENUE.
The drawing of a laffer curve has been attached