Firstly you need to to reduce to a common denominator by multiplYing the whole fraction. This way you have to multiply 4/5 by 2 (both numerator and denominator). so 4/5 = 8/10. And now you have 8/10 and 9/10. You compare only numerators. This way you have 8/10 <9/10. Same goes for 2/3 and 5/8. Only here you need to multiply both fractions. The common denominator here is 24. So you have to multiply 2/3 by 8 and 5/8 by 3. You now have to compare 16/24 and 15/24. 16/24>15/24.
Fraction strips are rectangular pieces (electronic or copied on paper strips) to represent different parts of the same whole. They can be cut apart and manipulated to see how various parts can be added together to make the whole or compare different fractional amounts for equivalency
Q does not equal to 3
n is greater than or equal to 6
Option B, Area of pentagon = 58.5 Square feet
Step-by-step explanation:
The remaining part of the question is attached as image
Area of pentagon has a triangle and a trapezoid
Area of triangle = 0.5 *base *height = 0.5*9 *3 = 13.5 square feet
Area of trapezoid = Area of rectangle – 2* area of smaller triangles
= 9 ft * 6ft – ( 2 * 0.5 * 6 ft * (9 ft – 6ft) /2
= 54 – (1*6*1.5)
Area of pentagon = 13.5 + 45 = 58.5 Square feet
Hence, option B is correct