To be malnourished means to lack proper nutrients that keep you healthy say a person likes fast food and eats only fries for a long period of time they will lack nutrients and get sick which is the bodies way of saying you need to eat a variety of food.
Obturator Externus
Obturator Externus: This is one of the smaller muscles of the medial thigh, and it is located most superiorly.
Since the question is incomplete, the answer will include the generalize ways that can be used to analyze evolutionary relatedness among gibbons, monkeys, and humans.
The evolutionary relationship is important to understand the evolution of the organisms. The common ancestors and closely related species of the organisms can be known by study the evolutionary relationship of the organism.
The DNA sequence and the amino acid sequence of gibbons, monkeys, and humans are quite similar with each other. The gibbons and humans have more then 99% DNA sequence similarity. The physical characteristics, cranial capacity and anatomical characteristics of the gibbons, monkeys, and humans are more or less similar with each other.
People's hair are curly because of there genes they get ot from there gray gray Gary grandma or granpas
10......The metric system is all units of ten. I hope this will help you!!!