Chocolate not chocoloate haha
All Indo European languages have clearly defined parts of speech
Answer: Option 1
Usually parts of speech are made up of components like verb, noun, pronoun, adverb, conjunction, interjection, articles, determiner etc. Being one of the largest and the category to bring in a lot of languages under its umbrella.
A lot of Indo European languages have owned such sentence components, except Latin and a handful of Slavic languages like Polish, Czech, and Bulgarian etc.
There are some languages which go beyond the Indo European list of languages like Finnish and Hungarian and they have an interesting part of speech called post-position.
Dear Sam,
Mrs. Anna's class and I were going to the local zoo when something unusual happened. We had just gotten done eating some food at the café and some girls wanted to go look at the dusk monkeys. Anyways, we're all looking at monkeys when we see a tiger. Well, yes its a zoo you see animals all the time. But this Bengal tiger was out of its cage. It also had a chicken in its mouth. This Bengal Tiger was also loose. Everyone in the class including Mrs. Anna started freaking out because they thought the tiger was going to eat them too or something. A few minutes later, zoo keepers came by and shot the tiger with a tranquillizer and hauled it back to its cage. Apparently a section of the cage had a space big enough for Cassie the tiger to get out. We're all safe now!
Can't wait to see you soon, ___
she gave her children both traditional Hindu names and contemporary English name
The persona is directing the words to someone who appears to be in his presence
"...which you were probably..."
The speaker is addressing an absent or imaginary person that the reader cannot see but he can see or pretend to see