What is the most likely significance of the tagline The Greatest Snow on Earth It is a play on the words The Greatest Show on Ea
rth, suggesting that the snowfall is so spectacular it is like a performance. It is a reference to a scientific fact that Utah has far superior snow to any other state. It is a simple statement meant only to convey that Utah thinks it has better snow than anyone else. It is in the ad so that viewers will understand and appreciate snowflakes.
What is the most likely significance of the tagline The Greatest Snow on Earth It is a play on the words The Greatest Show on Earth, suggesting that the snowfall is so spectacular it is like a performance. It is a reference to a scientific fact that Utah has far superior snow to any other state.
The significance of the tagline The Greatest Snow on Earth would be that "It is a play on the words The Greatest Show on Earth, suggesting that the <span>snowfall is so spectacular it is like a performance," since many people are aware of the famous circus with this title. </span>