Why won’t it let me answer
Nucleic acids refer to DNA and RNA. In eukaryotic cells, the majority of DNA is found in the nucleus, with a small amount of mitochondrial DNA in the mitochondria.
Qualitative analytic methods are needed to determine THE IDENTITY OF THE POISON USED IN A MURDER.
Quantitative analytic methods are used to identify unknown materials such as chemical compounds, poisons, etc. In a criminal investigation case, qualitative analytic method can be used to identify the particular poison that was used to murder a victim. Qualitative methods do not involve numeric data or figures while quantitative methods typically has to do with the quantity of a substance that is involved in a particular situation.This is basic difference between the two methods.
Phytoplanktons are photosythetic organisms found near ocean surface and provide food to a wide variety of sea creatures like whale, shrimp, jelly fish etc. They also rely on nutrients such ad nitrates, phosphate for their development. They maintain a balance ecosystem and food web in ocean.
The comparatively fast evolution of various species from a single common ancestor is known as adaptive radiation. It usually takes place when an organism enters a novel region and distinct traits influence its survival. The island chain offers suitable conditions for adaptive radiation to take place as when an organism of a certain species comes to an island together and get disperse all through the chain, and each of these organisms getting settle into distinct niches and exploiting various food resources in order to minimize the competition, thus, resulting into adaptive radiation.