import random
def simulate_observations():
#this generates an array of 7 numbers
#between 0 and 99 and returns the array
observations = random.sample(range(0, 100), 7)
return observations
#here,we call the function created above and print it
test_array = simulate_observations()
The following where many reasons why IPv6 was used instead of IPv5 which are the limitation of it's 32 bit address, IPv5 began or used with a different name called Internet streaming, IPv6 provides unlimited addressing, because it comprises of 128 bit.
The following reasons why Proponents of IPs used IPV6 instead of IPv5 is stated as follows:
- Due to its limited 32 bit addressing
- IPv6 offers almost unlimited addressing because of its 128-bit addressing
- IPv5 started under a different name which is internet stream(ST)
- ST(Internet streaming) was developed for streaming video and voice
- ST was developed by Apple, NeXT, and Sun Microsystems
- ST was effective on specific frequency to carry out communication
It allows us to precisely tell where places, people (under certain circumstances), etc. are. It is the most widely relied upon mapping system in the world. Using a GPS, you can find almost any plotted (known) location on the Earth. Most mapping operations rely on a GPS and would, otherwise, fail without it.
Its called a genesis program
Dynamic host configuration protocol DHCP help us to assign an IP automatically, with this method is not necessary to get more IP blocks because this method use lease time or rental IP, this means, if an IP is not being used, this is save for the next user, in this case, we're reciclyn the IP bloks, and this is the most efficient way to administrate our IP address.