perform the following. write from right to left:
- is the number even? then write down a 0
- is the number odd? then write down a 1 and subtract 1
- divide by 2
- repeat until you reach 0.
So for 120:
120 is even, so write down a 0 and continue with 120/2=60
60 is even, so write down a 0 and continue with 60/2=30
30 is even, so write down a 0 and continue with 30/2=15
15 is odd, so write down a 1 and continue with 14/2=7
7 is odd, so write down a 1 and continue with 6/2=3
3 is odd, so write down a 1 and continue with 2/2=1
1 is odd, so write down a 1 and finish with 0
It appears that they might be labeled "Hidden" in the properties of that file. Right Click on Properties and Uncheckmark Hidden<span />
Wimax is a family standards of a communication of bandwidth, this is a standard IEEE 802.16, was created to provide data velocity like 30 or 40 megabits per seconds, but in 2011 was updated, and now can provide 1 gigabit per second, the name WiMAX is for a forum created in 2001 to promote the standard.
Rearrange the order of slides
In the pane on the left, click the thumbnail of the slide that you want to move, and then drag it to the new location. Tip: To select multiple slides, press and hold Ctrl while you click each slide that you want to move, and then drag them as a group to the new location.