72 1/9
0.1 recurring of the number 1 is 1/9 of the number
The <u>correct answers</u> are:
6.5 cm = 65.00001052 torr
6.5 cm = 8665.93 Pa
6.5 cm = 0.08552632119 atm
The conversion rate from centimeters mercury (cm Hg) to torr is
1 torr = 0.099999983814461 cm.
We have 6.5 cm; this means to convert we divide:
6.5/0.099999983814461 = 65.00001052
The conversion rate from cm Hg to Pascals (Pa) is
1 cm = 1333.22 Pa
We have 6.5 cm; this means to convert we multiply:
6.5(1333.22) = 8665.93
The conversion rate from cm Hg to atmospheres (atm) is
1 atm = 75.999995199606 cm
We have 6.5 cm; this means to convert we divide:
6.5/75.999995199606 = 0.08552632119
6 2/3
Step-by-step explanation:
2 2/5 * 2 7/9
Change each number to an improper fraction
2 2/5 = (5*2+2)/5 = 12/5
2 7/9 = (9*2+7) = 25/9
12/5 * 25/9
25/5 * 12/9
5/1 * 4/3
Now changing to a mixed number
3 goes into 20 6 times with 2 left over
6 2/3
Given, a = -65 and b = 8.
We have to find multiplication of them.
a is negative and b is positive. When we multiply them, we know that the multiplication of positive and negative is negative. That means
So we have got the required product.
Multiplication of a and b = -520.
The correct option is option C.