i think its slideshow tab
tell me if im right
<span>The rules and guidelines for appropriate computer mediated communication are called netiquette.
It is a blend of two words: net (from Internet) and etiquette, or the appropriate behavior.
a.the number of cycles per second
The frequency of a sine wave is defined as the number of cycles per second.
Frequency is the inverse of the time period. The frequency of a sine wave is given by 1/TimePeriod . It is generally expressed in units of Hertz(Hz) or sec^-1. Larger the time period, lower will be the frequency and vice versa. So for higher frequency waves we need to ensure that the time period is small.
ofstream asia("asiasales2009.txt"); //It is used to open asiasales2009.txt files with the asia objects.
ofstream europe("europesales2009.txt"); //It is used to open europesales2009.txt files with the europe objects.
ofstream africa("africasales2009.txt");
//It is used to open africasales2009.txt files with the africa objects.
ofstream latin("latinamericasales2009.txt");//It is used to open latinamericasales2009.txt files with the latin objects.
- The above code is written in the c++ language which is used to open the specified files with the specified objects by the help of ofstream class as described in the question-statements.
- The ofstream is used to open the file in the c++ programing language, so when a user wants to use the ofstream to open the file in written mode, then he needs to follow the below syntax--
ofstream object("file_name_with_extension");