<span>The factor that caused the British to surrender at Yorktown</span>George is being revealed by the second opion represented above. Washington's soldiers outnumbered the British soldiers two to one, this event refers to August 27-29, 1776. The army was completely defeated and that's the main reason.
In order to answer these questions, you must look at the geographical differences that lead to different objectives and colonies for the Spanish and British Empire. In Southern America, there was an abundance of golds and silvers in the region, which lead to Spain to have a desire for investing in metals and silvers. There was little focus or concentration in other resources in New Spain, and these mines were not focused at all on long term investment. Also, the Spanish colonies had strong Spanish authority and influence, making the colonies extraction to get the most profit out of them and the land. This hurt most South American nations when they became independent as they possessed very weak infrastructure with little knowledge of self independence.
The British colonies in North America originally were set up to find gold as well but to no fortune. Even though Britain did create profits through certain cash crops like tobacco, the colonies for the most part relied almost independently on themselves at first. This is especially true for those leaving for religious purposes, such as the Pilgrims or Quakers. This created a reliance for the British colonists to take care of themselves, which in turn began to develop their own economies over time and quickly develop political independence.
<u>Thomas Jefferson</u>
With the escalation of problems with Britain, which threatened America by suspending shipping overseas, in the ensuing economic war Jefferson sought to pass a series of embargo laws that only further harmed American trade. In 1807, President Jefferson inserted in the Act an article banning the importation of slaves into the United States.
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D I Hope This Was Right Sorry Again