36 divided by 6 is like sharing 36 orranges among 6 people a a a a a a|---------------------------1st Person a a a a a a|---------------------------2nd Person a a a a a a|---------------------------3rd Person a a a a a a|---------------------------4th Person a a a a a a|---------------------------5th Person a a a a a a|---------------------------6th Person
Each person receives 6 oranges evenly so 36/6 = 6 I used this strategy because it is the easiest to understand
I would use the strategy of searching one number that multiplied by 6 the result is 36. That strategy is useful to know the inverse operation of division.
36/6 = x (the six is dividing, to pass it to the other side you use the inverse operation, that is multiplication.)
36 = 6x (the result is one number that mulptiplied by 6 is 36).