Beneficios: desarrollar inmunidad,ayuda al sistema inmunológico a desarrollar la misma respuesta que una infección real, para que pueda desarrollar anticuerpos y combatirla en el futuro.La viruela se ha erradicado por completo gracias a las vacunas y la poliomielitis no se queda atrás. Las vacunas contra la polio todavía se administran para ayudar a mantener el control de la enfermedad hasta que se haya eliminado en todo el mundo.
Daño: síntomas de un resfriado o fiebre leve que muestra que su cuerpo está combatiendo la infección. Puede haber dolor en los músculos o enrojecimiento en el lugar de la inyección. Todos estos efectos secundarios muy leves desaparecen en un par de días, las alergias
The study of mathematics as a "demonstrative discipline" begins in the 6th century BC with the Pythagoreans, who coined the term "mathematics" from the ancient Greek μάθημα (mathema), meaning "subject of instruction".[4] Greek mathematics greatly refined the methods (especially through the introduction of deductive reasoning and mathematical rigor in proofs) and expanded the subject matter of mathematics.[5] Although they made virtually no contributions to theoretical mathematics, the ancient Romans used applied mathematics in surveying, structural engineering, mechanical engineering, bookkeeping, creation of lunar and solar calendars, and even arts and crafts.
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That is because gene expression is a process in the synthesis of proteins and without proteins our organisms could not function properly. Almost all things that occur in our body are results of proteins being synthesized and these proteins travel through our body activating other processes. When not synthesizing proteins, different types of RNA are synthesized.
Insulin controls blood sugar by lowering it, glucagon tells the liver to release its stored sugar into the blood stream, increasing blood sugar.