Activation energy is the minimum quantity of energy that the reacting species must possess in order to undergo a specified reaction.
for example , striking a match on the side of a matchbox provides the activation energy, in the form of heat produced by friction.
Scientific laws and scientific theories are very similar.
They both discuss and observe phenomena that have already occurred and been evaluated.
The main difference between the two is that law defines nature and what it does conditionally, and the reaction of nature when these conditions encounter.
To sum it up, law discusses the behavior of something that transpires in many annotations.
A theory on the other hand discusses not the behavior, but the functions. The “why” factor so to speak.
I believe it is the blood cell...
This organism belongs to Kingdom Fungi.
- Fungi are heterotrophic, spore bearing Eukaryotes.
- Most of the fungi are multicellular.
- Their cells have a cell wall mainly composed of Glucagon and chitin.
- These are saprotrophic and lack a chloroplasts.
- They store food as glycogen which is similar to storage product in animals.
- The Kingdom fungi is divided into four major division on the basis of sexual reproduction ; chydridomycota, zygomycota, ascomycota and basidiomycota.
- Many fungi show no sexual stage and are grouped as imperfect fungi or deuteromycetes.
- The study of fungi is called Mycology.