El sistema inmune es una red compleja de células y proteínas que defiende al cuerpo contra las infecciones. El sistema inmune mantiene un registro de todos los gérmenes (microbios) que ha derrotado para poder reconocer y destruir el microbio rápidamente si ingresa nuevamente al cuerpo.
cara é so vc anda descanso na areia!
When new evidence or a new way of thinking is brought up in regards to a specific matter, if said person isn’t willing to change their ways of thinking or it becomes very personal to them, they will have a difficult time changing with the times. This could possibly hold back new discoveries and halt new findings in the scientific community.
Potential energy=PE
m=mass in kilograms.
g=9.8 m/s
h=height in meters
mass=500 Kg
h=110 m
PE=(500 Kg)(9.8 m/s²)(110 m)=539000 joules
When the sperm and the egg comes together they equal to 46 chromosomes. If the sperm and the egg had less or more than 23 chromosomes the baby would be abnormal/deformed