<span>because meristems can differentiate in each tissue system of a plant, a cutting that contains meristems that can form a new plant.</span>
1)All matter is made up of atoms, which are in turn made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. Atoms come together to form molecules, which are the building blocks for all types of matter, according to Washington State University
2)Energy is in everything that we eat, consume, or use. Energy fuels and regulates the body's natural internal functions. It repairs cells and body tissue, is used to build muscle, and is necessary to maintain homeostasis — and the harsher the environment, the more energy is needed to maintain
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None of the above. It is called an Echocardiogram.
Approximately 24 hours.
Our body has two complementary ways of energy storage. It can store energy as:
Glycogen in the liver.
Body fat.
Glycogen is both produced and stored directly in the liver. When insulin moves up, the body stores food energy as glycogen.
When insulin falls, as with fasting, the body breaks the stored glycogen back down into glucose. Liver glycogen lasts approximately 24 hours without eating.
Glycogen can only be used to store food energy from carbohydrates and proteins. It does not store energy from dietary fat, because it is not processed in the liver, and does not break down into glucose.