For an organism to function properly all the physiological factors should be favorable. These physiological factors include water level, pH, temperature etc. To perform the basic function of the life, it is important to maintain the physiological parameter in a particular range.
In case, these physiological parameters are not balanced, then the body of the organism does not perform well and causes illness.
So, the first blank can be filled with temperature and the second blank can be filled with range.
Quiet inspiration is _an active process_, and quiet expiration is _a passive process_.
A. Keeps carbon dioxide from escaping atmosphere
and slows diffusion
B. Prevents bicarbonate formation and slows
C. Provides fossil fuels and recycles carbon dioxide
D. Prevents carbon dioxide from entering
atmosphere and dissolves fossil fuels
No I’m confusing djxkxnxkdnxkzdnoxrnoscnk dnfdki
The correct answer is "photorespiration".
Photorespiration is a process in plants, where molecular oxygen is taken in a light-dependent manner. Photorespiration is often considered a wasteful pathway because it competes with the Calvin cycle, which is much more efficient. In C3 plants the conservation of water promotes photorespiration. This occurs when the C3 plants close its stomata because the environment its too hot, or the carbon dioxide concentration drops to about 50 ppm.