She began to write a few years after the death of her mother. Chopin's work was influenced by her observations of the world around her, and boy, that world was full of conflict. She watched the emergence of the feminist movement, which had a big effect on her work
Coherence: The arrangement of ideas in such a way that the reader can easily follow from one point to the next.
Answer:A drama is a story written to be played out on a stage performed by actors or actresses for an audience.
In the Middle Ages, most people lived in villages and worked as agricultural laborers, or peasants. Every village had a “lord,” and peasants worked on his land. Much of what they produced went to the lord and his family. What little food was leftover went to support the peasants’ families. In return for their labor, the lord offered them protection. A peasant’s day usually began before sunrise and involved long hours of backbreaking work, which included plowing the land, planting seeds, and cutting the crops for harvesting. The working life of a peasant in the Middle Ages was usually demanded and exhausting.
a. while
My phone rang while I was in the meeting.