A constructive plate boundary, sometimes called a divergent plate margin, occurs when plates move apart. Volcanoes are formed as magma wells up to fill the gap, and eventually new crust is formed. An example of a constructive plate boundary is the mid-Atlantic Ridge.
The social society suggests that what you see in the media is a reflection of what society thinks or feels.
What is social and example?
The definition of social is someone or something that enjoys being with others or has to do with people living or gathering in groups. An example of social is children laughing and playing together. An example of social is people forming a community health clinic.
What is society ?
A society is a group of individuals involved in persistent social interaction, or a large social group sharing the same spatial or social territory, typically subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations.
Learn more about social society :
The answer is Iron.
Iron overdose or poisoning it's when the iron intake is very superior to normal and can become fatal. This term has been associated with young children in the united states due to the large consumptions of iron supplement
pills, which look like sweets. Just 3 grams can be fatal for a two year old.
Answer: They will run away and feel fear / emotion as a reaction to their bodily physiological changes
Explanation: According to the James Lange theory, for someone to feel an emotion, in this case an emotion of fear, one must first experience the physiological changes that can be accelerated heartbeat, rapid and deep breathing and the like, which are caused by an outward appearance say a danger such as a bear in this case, watching a horror file etc. In doing so, emotion is the equivalent to a physiologically experience, which again depends on the external danger or occurrence in question.
Kohlberg's theory measured the development of a sense of justice, while Gilligan's theory measured a different value which is caring and compassion.
In the gilligans book "in A different voice", she challenged men and the male centered research according to kohleberg men focused on justice concerns but according to Gilligan womens focused on caring and relationship needs . Morality and it's definition differed on the genders.
Her theory was known as "ethics of care".she stated that because women rely on relationships and responsibilities there fore they value the morality differently. Women also tend to prioritize empathy over logic in their decision making. Carol gilligan is an American feminist. And has worked on ethical community and relationships. She's best known for her research on females morality.