Difference between a plant and an animal cell:
- Plants have cell walls, animals don't
- Plants have a large central vacuole, while animals have small scattered vacuole
- Plants cells are rigid and strong, referred to as <u><em>Turgid </em></u> in science, and have a definite shape
- Animal cells dont have a definite shape
Hope this helps
Viruses cannot reproduce on their own, but inject their DNA into living cells in order to make copies of themselves.
A virus cannot reproduce itself outside the host because it lacks the complicated machinery that a [host] cell possesses.
Pancreas secrets two hormones called insulin and glucagon which helps in maintaining the glucose level in the blood.
Pancreas secrets a hormone called as insulin, which helps the cell in absorbing the glucose by reducing the blood sugar and providing glucose for energy. On falling of the sugar level pancreas releases a hormone called glucagon. This glucagon informs the pancreas about the presence of low sugar in blood, after which it releases the stored glucose, and helps in raising the blood sugar level. Alpha cell of pancreas produces glucagon.