If the Congress overrides the veto by a two-thirds vote in each house, it becomes law without the President's signature. Otherwise, the bill fails to become law unless it is presented to the President again and the President chooses to sign it.
hope you find this helpful
<span>There are three
strategies which I would utilize to go through troubles, in the first place,
ensure I am skimming the article as opposed to perusing the whole thing. This
could keep me from getting befuddled or bothered. Second, I would make a point
to utilize the note-taking layout to enable myself to arrange and comprehend
the data. Ultimately, when reading information, conclusions, or other scientific
bits of the articles, I will read the data painstakingly with the goal that I
can comprehend it as well as can be expected.</span>
The dark ages in Greece lasted 300 years
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