the surrounding ecosystem is nearly or completely destroyed this changes the physical and biological components of the system by killing any biological life and reshaping all structures with magma. this will affect the population by killing anything living haunting life for centuries until new life can start to form such as lichens to break down the hardened rocks nutrients into soil for life
In addition to the GI tract, there are digestion accessory organs (salivary glands, pancreas, gallbladder, and liver) that play an integral role in digestion. The accessory organs do not come directly in contact with food or digestive content.
Time, space, and energy phenomena can be observed at various scales using models to study systems that are too large or too small. The observed function of natural and designed systems may change with scale. Scientific relationships can be e use of algebraic expressions and equations.
A)Fixation. Nitrogen in its gaseous form (N2) can't be used by most living things
B) it can not be used because it most be converted or, ’fixed’ to a more useable form. To do this it goes through a process called fixation.fixation is the change in a gene pool from a situation where there exists at least two variants of a particular gene (allele) in a given population to a situation where only one of the alleles remains.
C) This form can be made more usable if it’s converted. It has to go through the process of fixation so the gene pool changes.