American imperialism was done in the wake of a want of industrial boom.
IT is a repetitive pattern that countries often embark on imperialism when they have bustling industries and trade routes along with a good level of production but have bad living conditions for the people and are looking to increase their lifestyle value.
This is what happened in the late 19th century US which had prosperous businessmen but the common people were living lives in harsh conditions and had to suffer.
So, the people had an avenue in imperialism to have more profits and to extract the profits to improve their own lifestyles at home and this need made the backdrop of imperialism.
In 1903, she founded the Women's Social and Political Union, which used militant tactics to agitate for women's suffrage. Pankhurst was imprisoned many times, but supported the war effort after World War I broke out. Parliament granted British women limited suffrage in 1918.
Decibels measure intensity. If you whisper in an empty room it will measure between 0 and 1 db. This indicates the intensity of sound is minimal. This is considered the threshold of hearing.
A sound that measures 30 decibels is a 1000 times louder than the the threshold of hearing. An example of this is the noise of a regular computer produces between 20-40 dB.
Here is information that you could use to argue either side of this debate.
- One could argue that Harry Truman played a significant role in the Red Scare due to his speech to Congress regarding the Truman Doctrine. In this speech, he asks Congress to give financial assistance to countries like Greece and Turkey. He discusses how the fate of these countries, and other ones all over Europe, rest in the fate of the US. If the US does not help these countries, communism can take over. This could lead to repression and hard economic times for millions of people.
- Even though he created the Truman Doctrine, Truman did not scare up nearly as much fear as Joe McCarthy. McCarthy accused hundreds of people of being communist, played a significant role in the growth of the House Un-American Activities Committee, and used fear tactics to scare individuals. Truman was not nearly as extreme in his fight against domestic communism.