It would be: 289*24/100 = 6936/100 = 69.36
Since division is the opposite of multiplication, you can turn this division problem into a multiplication problem by multiplying the top fraction by the reciprocal of the bottom.
Answer: the system of equations are
0.1x + 0.04y = 162
y = 2x
Step-by-step explanation:
Let x represent the total dollar amount of the phone sales she makes.
Let y represent the total dollar amount of the computer sales she makes.
Charlotte earns a 10% commission on the total dollar amount of all phone sales she makes, and earns a 4% commission on all computer sales. If she earned a total of $162 in commission, it means that
0.1x + 0.04y = 162
Charlotte had twice as much in computer sales as she had in phone sales. This means that
y = 2x
c. 2
Step-by-step explanation:
Defining two angles of a triangle means you know the values of all of the angles. When all angles are known and the side opposite one of them is known, then the triangle is completely determined.
In this case, the angle opposite the given side can be either of the two given angles, so two triangles are possible.
If the two angles have the same measure, then only one triangle is possible.